Sending Data from the TTS-2000 to a Computer
JETCO TS-2000 Torque Meter Tech Tip:
The TS-2000 has a standard RS232c communication port. Use this port to send data to a computer to log torque data and to create torque files for traceability.
You can also use this port to send directly to a serial dot matrix printer.
The data is sent in ASCII format with the following protocol:
Bits per second: 4800
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Flow Control: None
You can send the data out the TS-2000 communication port in two ways:
1. Press the save key and the individual data on the display will be sent (you must be in peak or first peak mode).
2. Enter the menu mode, scroll to “send mem” press save and send ALL the data in memory.
The data is sent as follows:
DDDD is the data number
TTTT is the torque value
UUUU is the torque units
0000 Not used
043 -317.7 lbf.ft. 0000 (the zero’s are not used)
This is data number 43, the value is –317.7 and the units are lbf.ft..
1. Determine which com port is available on your computer (usually comm. 1)
2. Plug the computer to meter adapter in the com port that is available
3. Plug the telephone type cord into the computer adapter and the meter com port
4. Under the Windows desktop select the following:
Select the Hypertrm icon
Name the new connection “torque” or “TS-2000”. Press OK
Select the com port that you are using under “Connect using” box. Press OK
Port Settings:
Bits per second: 4800
Data Bits: 8
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: None
Press OK
You will now be connected. Press the Send key to verify that data is coming in. If the data is not recognizable, do the following:
Select File-Properties
Select Settings from the properties window
Emulation: ANSI
Select ASCII Setup.
Check the Append line feeds to incoming line ends.
Press OK.
Press OK
Disconnect the connection by selecting Call-Disconnect
Reconnect the connection by selecting Call-Call
Press the Save key to verify the data is being sent.
See the Windows operation manual on how to create files within the Hyperterminal window.
Sending to a printer:
Refer to the printer operation manual for instructions on how to set the printer to ASCII-4800BPS-8-1-n.